8th Grade End of Year Information
8th Grade Planning
- What's different?
- Grade Point Average
- Honors, AP, & Dual Credit Coursework
- Resumes - Start now!
- Standardized Exams
- House Bill 5
- Graduation Requirements
What's different?
Grade Point Average
Honors, AP, & Dual Credit Coursework
Resumes - Start now!
Standardized Exams
- English I
- English II
- Algebra I
- Biology
- U.S. History
- 8th & 9th Grade - will take the PSAT
- 10th & 11th Grade - will take the PSAT/NMSQT
- 11th Grade - will take the ASVAB
- 11th & 12th Grade - will take the appropriate collece entrance/placement exam (SAT/ACT/TSIA)
House Bill 5
- Foundation Curriculum (the basics)
- 22 credits
- Foundation with Endorsement (the choices)
- Foundation Curriculum plus:
- 1 additional math
- 1 additional science
- 2 additional electives
- Foundation Curriculum plus:
- Distinguished Level of Achievement (the extras)
- Foundation Curriculum plus:
- Algebra II
- 1 additional science
- Endorsement
- Students must earn Distinguished Level of Achievement in order to be eligible for Top 10% Automatic Admission into institutions of higher education
- Foundation Curriculum plus:
Graduation Requirements
English |
4 Credits
4 Credits
Mathematics |
3 credits
4 Credits
Science |
3 credits
4 Credits
Social Studies |
3 Credits
4 Credits
Foreign Language or Computer Programming |
2 Credits
2 Credits
Physical Education | 1 Credit | 1 Credit |
Fine Arts | 1 Credit | 1 Credit |
Electives | 5 Credits | 6 Credits |
TOTAL | 22 | 26 |
*Course has a required EOC assessment, students must meet Level II: Satisfactory performance on all 5 EOC Assessments
** Stacey JR/SR HS strongly recommends the student select Physics and Chemistry for college admissions and success
***Stacey JR/SR HS will accept speech credit from other school districts provided it is listed on the student's transcript
Distinguished Level of Achievement: Must complete 4 levels of Math, including Algebra II, 4 credits of Science, the remaining curriculum requirements, and the curriculum endorsement for at least one endorsement. Students must earn Distinguished Level of Achievement in order to be eligible for Top 10% Automatic Admission to institutions of higher learning.
Performance Acknowledgements may be earned in:
- Dual Credit (12 hours) with a grade of B or higher
- AP test (score of 3, 4, or 5)
- Performance of the PSAT, ACT, or SAT
- For earning a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license